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Home » Religion » Sex Predator in a Monk’s Robes?


Why does Sakyong Mipham wear monk robes when he is married with children and has mistresses on the side? Is the monk robes worn for him to look holy and celibate so he can get more people to donate and give him money? Is it a business?

In USA, Shambhala’s head Sakyong Mipham with his huge ceremonial hat, blue and gold brocades on a high throne. So much pomp and ceremony and underneath it all was a monster… a sexual predator in religious robes exploiting women and people. Such a disgusting shame. Sakyong should be barred from any activities in the future and go for counselling. He needs it badly. His father was Chogyam Trungpa who did the same thing to women and included drugs and orgies in the 70′s. Dalai Lama supports Sakyong Mipham as sizeable donations were given to the Dalai Lama’s office. Shame. We all thought Dalai Lama was clairvoyant and can see the hearts of sentient beings? Sakyong Mipham wears monk robes, shaves his head but has a wife and kids. Why keep wearing monk robes? He is wearing monk robes to look authentic as he is not authentic. Easier to swindle and fool people. Ontop of wearing robes, shaved head masquerading as a monk, has a wife and kids, he further attacks other women sexually. What kind of spiritual leader is this? Disgusting.

Why does the Dalai Lama, supreme head of the Tibetan Buddhist Church not take a harsher and stronger stance against these deviant Tibetan lama teachers? He can open a special section in his website to identify these sexual predators and warn the public. It would be compassionate of the Dalai Lama to warn the public.

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